How to build a brand through social media?

Rishi Mailoorkar
4 min readAug 8, 2022


By Sourish Joshi Co-Founder at Rish official

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Social media is a highly competitive arena, and it takes a great deal of planning and hard work to succeed, both on the content and the design front. But the results are worth striving for. Not only is social media excellent for attracting leads, converting customers, and all-around brand awareness, it’s where you get to have real interactions with people. At the end of the day, it’s called social media because it’s supposed to be fun.

The best way to ensure your social media presence is primed to spark a conversation is to work with an expert designer. Good design can convince followers to stop scrolling and pay attention to what you have to say. It can make your messages useful and easy to digest. It can demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to quality. If you want the kind of social media graphics that get your followers talking, an expert designer is only a click away.

Social media is a powerful tool for building brands and making money. Social media provides you with an opportunity to reach a large audience, and build relationships, trustworthiness, and loyalty.

The first step in creating your social media strategy is deciding which platforms you want to use. There are many options available including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; however, we recommend using all three platforms as they each have their own unique features that make them suitable for different types of businesses.

Once you have selected which platforms to use, it is time to create your social media profile. Your profile should contain all the information about your brand including but not limited to: Name of business, mission statement or motto if applicable, contact information for customer service representative (if applicable), logo design/iconography used in branding efforts (if applicable), list of services/products offered at this location.

Building a brand on social media requires more than just having an account. It takes time, effort, and creativity in order to build a successful business.

If you want to build a brand and make money, then you need to create a strong social media presence. Whether this means posting on Facebook or tweeting about your latest product launch, it all starts with having an account. The first step in creating your social media strategy is deciding which platforms you want to use. There are many options available including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; however, we recommend using all three platforms as they each have their own unique features that make them suitable for different types of businesses.

So you have decided which platform you want to use. The next step is creating your profile or business page. Here are some tips for setting up an effective social media presence: Social Media Design: What You Need to Know Social Media Design can be tricky, but with these tips, you will create an attractive and engaging social presence in no time.

Social Media Design
What You Need to Know Social Media Design can be tricky, but with these tips, you will create an attractive and engaging social presence in no time. *Set up a professional profile picture.

Social media brand building

*Create a cover image that reflects your brand. *Use company colors to create an attractive experience. *Provide information about your business in the About section of the platform.

*Write a bio that explains the purpose of your page or profile. *Use company colors to create an attractive experience. *Provide information about your business in the About section of the platform.

Making the most of your social media presence takes time and effort. It might be tempting to automate everything on social media but doing so will lead to a lack of engagement and missing out on new opportunities. Social Media Design: What You Need to Know Social Media Design can be tricky, but with these tips, you will create an attractive and engaging social presence in no time.

*Set up a professional profile picture. *Create a cover image that reflects your brand. *Use company colors to create an attractive experience. *Provide information about your business in the About section of the platform. *Write a bio that explains the purpose of your page or profile.



Rishi Mailoorkar

Co-Founder at Rish official | student | designer and editor | teenager | film-making enthusiast